Latest Past Events presents… the body politique: sex worker manifestos

Lab 111 Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam presents! the body politique: sex worker manifestos Total duration 50 minutes + q&a with Deep and Cheap, LaMetro, & Goddess Coco from Door2Door Rotterdam Our queer identities - genders and sexualities - place queer sex workers at an intersection where the state (the so called politic) both politicizes and fetishizes our bodies. This collection of […]


Kissable Screens x presents! Down & Dirty DIY Screening: Queer Sex Worker Porn

Filmhuis Cavia Van Hallstraat 52-I, Amsterdam

Kissable Screens x presents! Down & Dirty DIY Screening: Queer Sex Worker Porn NO ADVANCED TICKETS: Tickets can be bought at the bar, half an hour before the film starts. 46 minutes short films + Q&A | English | International Tickets via Filmhuis Cavia Mistress, I’m Hungry Mercy St. James | NL | 2024 […]


a queered gaze: trans sex worker porn

Kriterion Roetersstraat 170, Amsterdam

TranScreen has invited back to present another trans sex worker porn shorts programme as a part of their TranScreen Rewind, along with some of their best films from the […]

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