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sex worker art exhibition

March 28 @ 18:00 March 31 @ 20:30 CET

Sex Worker Art Exhibition

Location: cafe

Times: 28 March, 18:00-23:00 | 29 March, 12:00-22:00 | 30 March, 13:00-20:30 | Entrance: free

Illustrations by Comics Slut (2023-2025, the Netherlands)

A selection of illustrations and prints that explore the weird, the queer and the sexual through a playful and loving approach.

Comics Slut is a lover of pop culture, camp and anything femme. She’s a retired stripper and aspiring indie smut maker. Her work takes inspiration from her lived experiences, but it is essentially romantic fantasies.

Archivo Puta by Maria Riot (2024)

A multidisciplinary project that seeks to create archives of the present and search for archives of the past of sex workers, as well as recover memory, make visible the beauty and resistance of the collective.

Presentation by the artist on Sunday 30 March 13:00-15:00 | Location: Etage | Entrance: donation-based

María Riot (1991) Sex worker for over a decade, sex worker right’s activist, member of AMMAR, the Sex Worker Union of Argentina, Intimacy Coordinator for Adult Films and Artist. Born in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Based in Barcelona, Spain. Author of the photography project Archivo Puta. Curator at Porn Film Festivals and co Organiser of “Putas en Pantalla” (Whores on Films), a selection of short and long films about sex work, screened at Excentrico Fest (Chile), Zumzeig Cinema (Spain) and Post P_rn Arts Fest Warsaw (Poland). Currently working as a scriptwriter and main actress in a documentary about sex work by the acclaimed director Agustina Comedi. Has given talks, interviews and written about sex work politics all over the world.

Step by Step Anal Guide by Miammy (2025, Greece)

An eight page book for straight men who are ready to broaden their horizons of pleasure by trying anal.

Patriarchy is an oppressive system not only for women but for men too. After realizing that, how do you escape? Let’s embrace vulnerability and discover new dimensions of pleasure through your body. The notion that traditional masculinity, with its prohibitions against emotional openness and bodily exploration, limits the pleasure in your everyday life. I believe that men urgently need to embrace vulnerability and this must extend to sex and pleasure. Why miss this type of pleasure? Break free from the cage of gender norms, by allowing yourself to experience pleasure. In this way, you can challenge societal taboos and reclaim your body. This change is not only physical but also societal. You can see it as a heroic action for the world and dismantle this regressive and hurtful legacy with a simple pegging.

Miammy grew up in Greece, studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts and Gerrit Rietveld Academie during an Erasmus exchange in Amsterdam. She loves interdisciplinary collaboration, having participated in the transcultural program at Zürich University of the Arts and as a member of the Sinodi Papu Collective. Passionate about exploring people and cultures by traveling the world and Digital space.

queer.red presents

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CINETOL: Lobby/Cafe

Tolstraat 182
Amsterdam, Netherlands